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Discussion in '网站运营' started by zmnet, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. zmnet

    zmnet Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    近日,Scott Vivian总结了一份PageRank达到9以上的网站列表。Scott Vivian表示,Wiki百科曾经有一份相关列表,但是因不知原因被删除,因此下表中的网站均为采用搜索http,www,the,a等常见关键词来获得。

    PageRank 10网站:


    * Adobe.com
    * FirstGov.gov
    * Google.com
    * Real.com
    * W3.org
    * StatCounter.com

    PageRank 9网站:


    * A9.com
    * About.com
    * ACM.org
    * AlltheWeb.com
    * AltaVista.com
    * Excite.com
    PageRank 10

    * Adobe.com - Adobe Systems, software company
    * Apple.com - Apple Computer, also houses the iTunes Music Store
    * Blogger.com - Blogger, a weblog publishing tool
    * CSAIL - MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (*)
    * Energy.gov - United States Department of Energy
    * ERCIM.org - European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (*)
    * FirstGov.gov - U.S. government portal
    * Google.com - Google, search engine that assigns PageRank
    * Keio.ac.jp - Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (*)
    * Macromedia.com - Macromedia, software company
    * NASA.gov - NASA, U.S. government agency for the space program and aerospace research
    * NSF.gov - National Science Foundation, U.S. government agency for scientific research
    * NYTimes.com New York Times, news site
    * Real.com - RealPlayer, music, video, games
    * StatCounter.com - tracking service
    * W3.org - World Wide Web Consortium
    o http://validator.w3.org/
    o http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
    * WebStandards.org - Web Standards Project
    * Whitehouse.gov - The White House

    (*): These websites are linked from W3.org, which automatically gave them a PageRank of 10, even if they do not have much traffic or incoming links.
    PageRank 9

    * A9.com - A9.com, search engine
    * AAAS.org - American Association for the Advancement of Science
    * About.com - About.com, portal
    * ACM.org - Association for Computing Machinery
    * AlltheWeb.com - AlltheWeb, search engine
    * AltaVista.com - AltaVista, search engine
    * AMS.org - American Mathematical Society
    * Amazon.com (redirect) - Amazon.com, shopping site
    * AOL.com - America Online, portal
    * Apache.org - Apache Software Foundation, open-source software
    * APS.org - American Physical Society
    * Archive.org - Internet Archive
    * Arizona.edu - University of Arizona
    * ArXiv.org - ArXiv.org e-print archive
    * ASU.edu - Arizona State University
    * BarnesAndNoble.com - Barnes & Noble, bookseller
    * BBC.co.uk - British Broadcasting Corporation
    * Berkeley.edu - University of California, Berkeley
    * BlackwellPublishing.com - publisher
    * Bloglines.com - Bloglines, web-based news aggregator
    * Borders.com - Borders Group, bookseller
    * Boston.com
    # - The Boston Globe, news site Britannica.com - Encyclopædia Britannica
    # Brown.edu - Brown University
    # BU.edu - Boston University
    # BusinessWire.com - Business Wire, news distribution service
    # CareerBuilder.com (redirect)
    # Cam.ac.uk - Cambridge University
    # Cars.com - car site
    # CBC.ca - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
    # CDC.gov - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    # Cell.com - articles on biology, biochemistry, cancer research
    # CERN.ch - CERN
    # CIES.org - Council for International Exchange of Scholars
    # Cisco.com - Cisco Systems
    # CMU.edu - Carnegie Mellon University
    # CNET.com - Cnet, technology portal
    # CNRS.fr - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
    # Colorado.edu - University of Colorado at Boulder
    # Columbia.edu - Columbia University
    # Commerce.gov - Department of Commerce
    # Computer.org - IEEE Computer Society
    # Copyright.gov - U.S. Copyright Office
    # Cornell.edu - Cornell University
    # CPAN.org - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
    # CreativeCommons.org - Creative Commons
    # C-SPAN.org - C-SPAN, Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network
    # CVSHome.org (https) - Concurrent Versions System
    # Debian.org - Debian, open-source operating system
    # Disney.com
    # DHHS.gov - Department of Health and Human Services
    # DHS.gov/dhspublic/ - Department of Homeland Security
    # DMOZ.org - Open Directory Project
    # DOC.gov - Department of Commerce
    # DOI.gov - U.S. Department of the Interior
    # DOL.gov - U.S. Department of Labor
    # Duke.edu - Duke University
    # EB.com - Encyclopædia Britannica online
    # eBay.com - EBay, auction site
    # Economist.com - news site
    # Ed.gov - U.S. Department of Education
    # Elsevier.com - Elsevier, publisher of scientific and medical literature
    # EnergyStar.gov - Energy Star
    # EPA.gov - Environmental Protection Agency
    # ETHZ.ch - ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
    # ErekAlert.org - science news site
    # Excite.com - Excite, portal
    # Expedia.com - Expedia, online travel agency
    # FDA.gov - Food and Drug Administration
    # Freshmeat.net - Freshmeat, cross-platform software directory
    # FSU.edu - Florida State University
    # FT.com - Financial Times
    # FTC.gov - Federal Trade Commission
    # FWS.gov - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    # GameSpot.com - GameSpot
    # GAO.gov - Government Accountability Office
    # GetNetWise.org - Information for dealing with common internet problems
    # Gnome.org - GNOME, desktop for Unix operating systems
    # GNU.org - GNU Project
    # Grants.gov - unified site for interaction between grant applicants and the U.S. federal agencies that manage grant funds
    # Guardian.co.uk - Guardian, British news site
    # Harvard.edu

    # - Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA HUJI.ac.il - Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
    # HHMI.org - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    # HON.ch - Health On the Net Foundation
    # House.gov - U.S. House of Representatives
    # HP.com - Hewlett-Packard
    # HTMLHelp.com - Information on web authoring
    # IBM.com - International Business Machines
    # IRCA.org - International Register of Certificated Auditors
    # IEEE.org - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    # IETF.org - Internet Engineering Task Force
    # IIE.org - Institute of International Education
    # IMDb.com - Internet Movie Database
    # Indiana.edu - Indiana University system
    # Inria.fr - INRIA, French national research institution
    # Intel.com - Intel Corporation
    # Internet.com - Internet and IT news site, owned by Jupitermedia Corporation
    # internet2.edu - Internet2
    # IOM.edu - Institute of Medicine
    # Java.com - Java programming language
    # JHU.edu - Johns Hopkins University
    # KDE.org - K Desktop Environment
    # Linux.com - Linux Operating System
    # LiveJournal.com - LiveJournal
    # LOC.gov - Library of Congress
    # Lycos.com - Lycos.com, portal
    # MamboServer - Mambo, open-source PHP content management system
    # MapQuest.com - MapQuest
    # Microsoft.com - Microsoft Corporation, computer software company
    # MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    # MovableType.org - Movable Type, commercial Perl weblog
    # Mozilla.org - Mozilla, open-source internet tools
    # MozillaZine.org - MozillaZine
    # MSN.com - MSN.com, portal
    # MSNBC.com - MSNBC.com, portal
    # MSU.edu - Michigan State University
    # MySQL.com - MySQL, open-source database engine
    # NAP.edu - National Academies Press
    # NAS.edu - National Academy of Sciences
    # NationalAcademies.org
    # NationalGeographic.com - National Geographic
    # Nature.com - Nature Publishing Group
    # NCAA.org - National Collegiate Athletic Association
    # Nedstatbasic.com - tracking service
    # NetObjects.com
    # Netscape.com - Netscape, portal
    # NewScientist - New Scientist, science magazine
    # NewsForge.com - NewsForge
    # NIH.gov - National Institutes of Health
    # NIST.gov - National Institute of Standards and Technology
    # NOAA.gov - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
    # NobelPrize.org - Nobel Prize
    # NPR.org - National Public Radio
    # NPS.gov - National Park Service
    # NREL.gov - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
    # Oanda.com - Currency conversion site
    # OpenSource.org - open source
    # Opera.com - Opera (web browser), proprietary web browser
    # Oracle.com - Oracle Corporation, software company
    # Oreilly.com - O’reilly, computer bookseller
    # ORNL.gov - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    # OSTG.com - Open Source Technology Group
    # OUP.co.uk - Oxford University Press
    # OX.ac.uk - University of Oxford
    # PayPal.com - PayPal
    # PBS.org - Public Broadcasting Station
    # Perl.com - Perl, scripting language
    # PHP.net - PHP, web scripting language
    # phpBB.com - phpBB, open-source PHP bulletin board system
    # Pitt.edu - University of Pittsburgh
    # Plone.org - Plone, open source content management system
    # Princeton.edu - Princeton University
    # PSU.edu - Pennsylvania State University
    # Python.org - Python Programming Language
    # Ranchero.com/netnewswire/
    # RealNetworks.com - RealNetworks
    # Realplayer.com
    # RedHat.com - Red Hat
    # Regulations.gov - portal for federal rulemaking
    # Reuters.com (redirect) - Reuters
    # Ruby-Lang.org - Ruby programming language
    # Rutgers.edu - Rutgers University
    # Sandia.gov - Sandia National Laboratories
    # ScienceDirect.com - ScienceDirect
    # ScienceMag.com - Science Magazine
    # Section508.gov - Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    # Senate.gov - U.S. Senate
    # SI.edu - Smithsonian Institution
    # Slashdot.org - Slashdot, technology news site
    # SourceForge.Net - Sourceforge, a directory of open-source development projects
    # Stanford.edu - Stanford University, California, USA
    # State.gov - U.S. Department of State
    # State.tx.gov - Texas portal
    # StudyWeb.com
    # Sun.com - Sun Microsystems
    # ThinkGeek.com - ThinkGeek
    # Topica.com
    # TripAdvisor.com - TripAdvisor
    # TRUSTe.org
    # UCDavis.edu - University of California, Davis
    # UCI.edu - University of California, Irvine
    # UCL.ac.uk - University College London
    # UCSB.edu - University of California, Santa Barbara
    # UIUC.edu - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    # UMD.edu - University of Maryland, College Park
    # UMich.edu - University of Michigan
    # UMN.edu - University of Minnesota
    # UN.org - United Nations
    # Unesco.org - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    # Unicode.org - Unicode
    # UPenn.edu - University of Pennsylvania
    # USAJobs.opm.gov - federal government’s official jobs site
    # USAToday.com - USAToday, news site
    # USC.edu - University of Southern California
    # USDA.gov - U.S. Department of Agriculture
    # URGS.gov - U.S. Geological Survey
    # USPTo_Org - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
    # UTexas.edu - University of Texas at Austin
    # UToronto.ca - University of Toronto
    # VeriSign.com - VeriSign
    # Virginia.edu - University of Virginia
    # Vlib.org - World Wide Web Virtual Library
    # Washington.edu - University of Washington
    # WashingtonPost.com

    # The Washington Post, news site Watchfire.com
    # Weather.com - The Weather Channel
    # WHO.int - World Health Organization
    # Wikipedia.org - Wikipedia
    # Windowsmediaplayer.com
    # WinZip.com - WinZip, commercial archive utility
    # Wired.com - Wired.com, news site
    # Wisc.edu - University of Wisconsin
    # Wolfram.com - Mathematica, MathWorld, ScienceWorld
    # WordPress.org - WordPress, open-source PHP blog script
    # WUSTL.edu - Washington University in St. Louis
    # XE.com - Currency conversion site
    # Yahoo.com - Yahoo!, portal
    # Yale.edu - Yale University
  2. apple

    apple New Member

    May 22, 2006
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  3. Hoofei

    Hoofei New Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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  4. laogui

    laogui Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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